Joe Stepanek
Board Member

Joe earned three degrees in economics, at CU and at the University of Minnesota, and then joined the Department of State, Agency for International Development (USAID) as an economist, and then served as country director twice. He has been away from home for half of his life - spending thirty years in twelve developing world countries. Joe took his wife and their three girls to Bangladesh for five years, to Indonesia for four years, Kenya for four, Tanzania for four and then, finally, Zambia for two years. He worked in the White House on World Hunger for a few months in 1977. While in Boulder, between flights, Joe was active with the Boulder Dushanbe Sister Cities, famed for its Tajik Tea House, and for completing a reciprocal gift of a Cyber Café, now called a Friendship Center, built in Dushanbe. Lastly, Joe’s “bio” would not be complete without mention of his short tour as mechanic in training and fireman in training for Georgetown’s famed “Loop” - steam locomotive train tours.